The Lower School years mark significant physical, cognitive, and emotional growth. Children become more aware of themselves and the world around them. At ISM, we provide an environment that helps students become confident in their identity and surroundings. We also work with students to develop a positive attitude towards learning, after which the foundation for academic achievement is laid.
We accomplish this by:
Students learn to not only ask questions, but to listen to the questions of their peers.
Students learn to share their opinions and ideas as well as listen to those of their classmates. They learn to consider and evaluate differing perspectives and opinions.
Structured Curriculum and Assessments
The pacing that a SABIS® school offers, keeps the lessons focused and moving forward. Regular assessments are like check-ins to see that the concepts are being mastered, so the students can continue to move ahead in the advancement of their knowledge.
Social Emotional Learning
Character building, respect, and kindness are built into each classroom at a level appropriate for that age group. We believe in educating the whole student, and in helping them to become confident, engaged and civically minded citizens with high ethical and moral values.
Awards & Recognition:

Minnesota’s Best Private School & Elementary School
On August 13, 2024, the Star Tribune announced Minnesota’s Best Award winners for 2024. After winning both gold and silver awards in 2023, we are thrilled to reveal that in 2024 ISM swept the awards winning all gold, ranking #1 across six different educational categories including Best Elementary School!
Read the full article here!
National Recognition as the #1 Best Private K-12 School is a leader in K-12 school rankings that connects families with schools. We are pleased to announce that in 2025 ISM continues to be recognized as an A+ school and is identified state-wide as the #1 Best Private K-12 School for the third year in a row. In addition, ISM is the only private K-12 school in Minnesota that ranks within the top 50 out of 3,180 private K-12 schools nationally.
Read the full article here!
AP® School Honor Roll Platinum Distinction
We are thrilled to announce that ISM has been named to the 2024 Advanced Placement Program® (AP®) School Honor Roll, earning a Platinum distinction. This is the second year in a row that ISM received a Platinum award, the highest level of distinction, which places ISM within the top 7% of the 5,061 eligible schools to achieve this honor. Furthermore, ISM is one of only 11 schools that have achieved the Platinum distinction across Minnesota. This recognition validates our commitment to student opportunity and success in the Advanced Placement program.
Read the full article here!
Curriculum Highlights:
Students are building reading comprehension and oral fluency while developing their understanding of grammatical structure and language in these levels. They practice expressing ideas and facts with proper composition while also working on penmanship. Furthermore, students are expanding their vocabulary and spelling skills.
Students will focus on essential concepts of Arithmetic involving the four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Also, topics such as place value, fractions, decimals, metric and standard measurement, money, time, and geometry are taught in a sequential manner from one grade to the next resulting in a solid mathematical foundation. Mastery of computational skills and problem solving techniques enables students to understand the more abstract concepts of Upper School math.
Social Studies
Focusing on history and critical thinking, the social studies curriculum introduces students in this age group to real people, past and present. At the earliest levels, children learn about what is most familiar - themselves and their families. As their environments expand, their studies include the community, and then the geography, history, and cultural diversity of various countries around the world.
Students explore the world they live in and develop effective techniques for observing and testing nature. Following the international, national, and state education standards, ISM uses the SABIS® Exploring the World of Science program. Instruction is divided into three strands: Earth and Space, Life Science, and Physical Science. Through a number of interactive activities, students are encouraged to use scientific process skills, allowing the world of science to become both accessible and tangible for students.
World Language
The objective of the World Language Program in the Lower School is to help students attain proficiency in the language of study and gain an understanding of the history and culture of its people. Learning a world language is an intrinsic part of ISM’s curriculum. Currently, Spanish and French are offered at the school. The comprehensive language curriculum consists of the four skill areas of language learning: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Language acquisition begins with vocabulary taught orally and structures learned inductively and reinforced with developmentally appropriate grammatical concepts. Qualified teachers with native speaker fluency teach World Language classes at ISM.
Additional Subjects
The ISM Lower School program balances academic progress with developing social, physical, and emotional maturity by engaging students in art, music, computer, drama, library, and P.E. classes, which also contribute to developing a healthy, eager, and happy child.