Academic Life
Middle School (Grades 6-8)

About Our Middle School
We have a vibrant, inclusive, and caring Middle School community that empowers students to gain responsibility and take ownership of their education. ISM’s curriculum offers a challenging, structured, and well-rounded education with the instructional support needed to succeed. Students completing the Middle School curriculum at ISM are well prepared for High School and beyond.
Social and emotional growth are developed through a weekly advising period in which students are encouraged to discuss topics such as kindness, positivity, and emotional growth. We place an emphasis on providing opportunities for students to collaborate across age levels. Our Middle School students play an active role in peer tutoring with younger students and are exposed to a number of student-led activities with High School peers. Through their active participation in these exchanges, our students learn skills that will benefit them in and out of the classroom.
Beyond academics, students participate in a variety of in-school activities and extra-curricular opportunities. Through the SABIS Student Life Organization® at ISM, our students are able to propose and plan their own clubs and activities from walking and hiking clubs to book clubs to a “mad scientist” club. These clubs provide opportunities for students to further explore interests, build friendships, and enhance skills.
Awards & Recognition:
Minnesota’s Best Private School & Middle School
On August 13, 2024, the Star Tribune announced Minnesota’s Best Award winners for 2024. After winning both gold and silver awards in 2023, we are thrilled to reveal that in 2024 ISM swept the awards winning all gold, ranking #1 across six different educational categories including Best Middle School!
National Recognition as the #1 Best Private K-12 School is a leader in K-12 school rankings that connects families with schools. We are pleased to announce that in 2025 ISM continues to be recognized as an A+ school and is identified state-wide as the #1 Best Private K-12 School for the third year in a row. In addition, ISM is the only private K-12 school in Minnesota that ranks within the top 50 out of 3,180 private K-12 schools nationally.
ISM has also taken the top spots in Minnesota as the:
- #1 Best High School for STEM
- #1 Best Private High School
- #1 Best College Prep High School
- #1 Most Diverse Private High School
- #1 Best Boarding High School
AP® School Honor Roll Platinum Distinction
We are thrilled to announce that ISM has been named to the 2024 Advanced Placement Program® (AP®) School Honor Roll, earning a Platinum distinction. This is the second year in a row that ISM received a Platinum award, the highest level of distinction, which places ISM within the top 7% of the 5,061 eligible schools to achieve this honor. Furthermore, ISM is one of only 11 schools that have achieved the Platinum distinction across Minnesota. This recognition validates our commitment to student opportunity and success in the Advanced Placement program.